Nombre del autor:Luis Sulca

River morphology

RIVER MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENT PROPERTIES [hr height=”20″ ] [hr height=”20″ ] [hr height=”20″ ] Fluvial geomorphology It studies the shape and evolution of the riverbed and its interaction with the drainage system of its collecting basin.[hr height=”20″ ] Geomorphological cycle of the basin Although the hydrological cycle is a continuous process that feeds water to

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Hydrology and Water Management

SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE, WATER RESOURCES AND WATER QUALITY [hr height=”20″] [hr height=”20″] [hr height=”20″] Introduction At the end of this year 2009, our Basin Organizations must face the challenge of presenting their Management Plans, according to the guidelines set by the European Water Framework Directive. Everything seems to indicate that with a Directive designed for European

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